Wind turbine at Henton – planning application refused

17th December 2012

An application to erect a wind turbine at Rowan Farm in Henton has been refused by South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC). We are delighted with this decision.
An application to erect a wind turbine at Rowan Farm in Henton has been refused by South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC). We are delighted with this decision. The application was turned down because it would have had a prominent and detrimental visual impact in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
An application for another wind turbine at Ford, just over the border in Buckinghamshire, is still on the table. Since that proposed turbine would be three times as high as the proposed turbine at Henton, it would clearly have a greater visual impact. We have informed the planning officer at Aylesbury Vale of the SODC decision and hope very much that the turbine at Ford will be turned down for the same reason.