We Love Rural Oxfordshire: a rural community film project supported by CPRE Oxfordshire


16th October 2018

Thanks to an initiative by CPRE Oxfordshire communities throughout the county have been inspired to make a film celebrating their local area and explaining why it needs protecting from development.

When making their film communities were asked to look at the character, heritage, or landscape that they felt needs protecting.  

The first two films have now been produced and launched.

Bampton, West Oxfordshire

The Society for the Protection of Bampton was founded in 1993 by the Earl of Donoughmore ‘to improve the quality of life of the people of Bampton’ and has 400 members.

The Society has made a film that tells a lively story of how Bampton has evolved gradually over the years but is now beginning to change dramatically with the pressure from inappropriate development.

The film was made for the Society for the Protection of Bampton by Arrowsmith Productions. Narrated by Robin Shuckburgh, illustration by Matthew Rice.

The film can be watched on YouTube here: https://bit.ly/2E85RR5

Culham, South Oxfordshire

Save Culham Green Belt is a committee of Culham Parish Council; local residents campaigning to protect a small and ancient Oxfordshire village. South Oxfordshire District Council plan to build 3,500 houses on land within the Parish of Culham that is currently part of the Oxford Green Belt. Such a development would increase the Culham population enormously, from 453 to 9,000.

The film was made for Save Culham Green Belt by local residents Dr Peter Kirby and Tasha Isaacson. www.saveculhamgreenbelt.org

>The film can be watched on YouTube here: https://bit.ly/2OPnx8a