Vale Local Plan Examination to start on 22 September

25th June 2015
The Vale of White Horse District Council’s Local Plan will be officially examined by a Government appointed Planning Inspector from 22 September to 1 October 2015.
The Vale District Council submitted its Local Plan 2031 Part 1: Strategic Sites and Policies to the Secretary of State in March 2015.
At the Examination in Public (EiP), the Planning Inspector, Mr Malcolm Rivett, will assess the soundness of the Vale’s Plan and take into account all the comments submitted as part of the latest consultation before making a final decision.
Hearing Sessions Venue, Matters and Questions & Programme:
The Hearing Sessions will commence at 10:00am on Tuesday 22nd September 2015 within the Ridgeway Room, The Beacon, Portway, Wantage, Oxfordshire, OX12 9BX.
The Examination will take place in two stages:
Stage 1 will consider the main strategic issues of the plan. If following the Stage 1 hearing sessions the Inspector concludes that in relation to the main strategic issue the plan is likely to be capable of being found sound, Stage 2 will then commence. Stage 2 will consider the soundness of all other matters relating to the plan.
Further details on the Inspector’s approach to the Examination can be found in the Guidance Notes.
See also the Matters and Questions for discussion at Stage 1 and the Programme for the Hearing Sessions.
The Programme Officer, Ian Kemp, will act as the contact for any person interested in the Examination: Tel: 01527 861 711 /
Mobile: 0772 300 9166 / Email.
Confirmation of Examination participants is scheduled for early August, and the deadline for Examination statements is 21 August.
CPRE Oxfordshire will be represented at the Hearing Sessions. We objected to the Vale’s Draft Local Plan on the basis that it was ‘unsound’.
See CPRE’s response to the Vale’s Local Plan (December 2014).
See more details about the Vale’s Local Plan Examination.
CPRE Oxfordshire, 25 June 2015