CPRE’s initial reaction to the Vale District Council’s Local Plan Part 2
12th October 2017
Responding to the publication of the Vale District Council’s Local Plan Part 2, CPRE outlines its initial concerns and recommendations.
Following the publication of the Vale’s Local Plan Part 2 – Detailed Policies and Additional Sites, CPRE provides its initial concerns and recommendations.
See below for the full version of this document.
Overall comments:
1. Oxford’s unmet need is unsound.
2. It is unsound to plan for a surplus.
3. The SHMA itself is now proven unsound, as CPRE had always claimed.
4. It is neither sound, nor positive, to plan without a target density to make best use of land and provide more affordable housing.
5. Failure to refer in any detail to the proposed Oxford-Cambridge Expressway / Growth Corridor makes the Plan unsound.
6. Building at the Harwell Campus is harmful to the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. It is unjustified and not consistent with national policy.
7. Taking land from the Green Belt at Dalton Barracks is unjustified and inconsistent with national policy.
8. The proposed development at North West Grove will have an adverse impact on the local infrastructure.
9. Park and Rides at Lodge Hill/Cumnor and safeguarding of land for related new roads is unsound as it is inconsistent with national policy and cannot be justified.
10. Didcot Garden Town proposals may be undeliverable.
11. The proposed allocation at Fyfield (listed as Kingston Bagpuize) is unsound as the transport infrastructure is inadequate and it is not a sustainable location in relation to employment sites.
12. There are a number of unsaved policies from Local Plan 2011 which need to be re-instated in order for the Local Plan Part 2 to be sound.
Have your say!
Find out how you can respond to the Vale’s Local Plan consultation.
Don’t forget the consultation closes on 22 November.
CPRE Oxfordshire, 18 October