Public consultation on University’s vision for Osney Mead – 6 July

23rd June 2016
A public consultation, where the University’s vision and masterplan for the redevelopment of the Osney Mead Industrial Estate will be displayed, takes place on Wednesday, 6 July, at the Kings Centre, Osney Mead.
The University is preparing a masterplan for the regeneration of the whole of the Osney Mead Industrial site.
The masterplan aims to “provide increased opportunities for employment, homes and supporting uses, and better pedestrian and cycle connections to the City centre and surrounding areas. It envisages a transformation of Osney Mead into a pleasant waterside place, with new publicly accessible outdoor spaces and improved landscape, and reduced risk of flooding.”
As part of the initial assessment work on the site a masterplan has been prepared by the University to help frame future discussions and understand the issues affecting redevelopment.
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The University now wishes to seek the views of local residents and stakeholders on the masterplan. This will help identify key issues which need to be addressed in taking the proposals forward.
Following the consultation event timescales for progressing matters will be set out and further consultation events undertaken once feedback has been taken in to account.
The University is undertaking public consultation as follows:
Wednesday 6 July 2016
Stakeholder viewing between 3pm and 4pm
Public viewing between 4pm and 7pm
The Kings Centre, Osney Mead Industrial Estate, Oxford, OX2 0ES
Members of the University and the design team will be available to answer any queries and will welcome feedback on the proposals prior to the University taking forward the detailed masterplanning of the site.
A hardcopy feedback form will be available at the consultation sessions and an online version will follow on the University’s website together with an electronic version of the display information.
The University will review all feedback and will take it into account in progressing the masterplan. Subsequent consultation events will take place as the masterplan and specific proposals progress.
For more information Email the University.
CPRE Oxfordshire, 23 June