Port Meadow: consultation on latest info from University

4th September 2015
Oxford University has finally submitted the additional information requested as part of its Environment Statement on the Port Meadow student blocks. Consultation runs until 14 OCTOBER.
It’s taken a very long six months, but Oxford University has finally replied to Oxford City Council’s request for further information in relation to its Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the Castle Mill development at Port Meadow.
CPRE Oxfordshire’s response is now available below. It comes in two parts. The first is a Legal Opinion in relation to the overall Addendum, reminding the City Council of their obligation to follow the EIA regulations. The second outlines our concerns in relation to the contamination issues covered in the Geo-Environment Chapter. See also the Save Port Meadow Facebook page for info on their response.
The ES Addendum and the original retrospective environmental statement can be downloaded from: www.oxford.gov.uk/planningapplications, quoting ref 14/03013/FUL for the original voluntary statement or 14/03013/CONSLT for the ES Addendum.
You can comment on the ES Addendum by writing to the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services, Oxford City Council, St Aldate’s Chambers, 109-113 St Aldate’s, Oxford, OX1 1DS, or by email to planning@oxford.gov.uk before 14 OCTOBER 2015. (NB Not 21st as previously advised by City Council)
Last October, Oxford University submitted a retrospective Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of its Castle Mill accommodation blocks at Port Meadow, which finally acknowledged the ‘substantial harm’ the development had caused.
The University outlined several options for mitigation but said it could only afford Option 1, some basic cladding and tree planting. It claimed the damage was justified by the exceptional need for student accommodation.
The Save Port Meadow Campaign Group and CPRE made it clear that this was unacceptable and that Option 3, which includes removal of one story of the building, was the minimal solution.
In March of this year, the City Council asked for additional information, particularly in relation to justification of the costs of the various options. It is this request which the University has finally responded to.
Further info on the Save Port Meadow campaign