Oxfordshire Plan 2050 – Cancelled!


8th August 2022

The cancellation of the Oxfordshire Plan is a very disappointing outcome. Only last week we were promised a further consultation, particularly addressing housing numbers.

It would clearly be better to plan for the whole of Oxfordshire than for each of the five District Councils to make individual plans. As we understand it, the cancellation of the 2050 plan arises from the City Council pushing for yet more development. Since the City Council itself has said it has no land to accommodate any more housing this would inevitably put further pressure on its neighbouring Councils to accept additional housing to satisfy Oxford City’s housing need. In turn, this could force further development on the precious Oxford Green Belt which surrounds the City. It is worth remembering that the Green Belt was created specifically to prevent urban sprawl: somewhat ironically urban sprawl would appear to be the City Council’s objective.

Nevertheless, CPRE Oxfordshire looks forward to working closely with the five District Authorities in order to get the best possible outcome for the Oxfordshire countryside.

Read more about the Oxfordshire Plan 2050.