Overhaul of England’s Planning System


6th August 2020

New planning measures will make it easier to build much needed homes according to Housing Secretary, Robert Jenrick.

Whilst we can all agree that the planning system can appear to be slow and cumbersome, and currently does little for local communities, any reform needs to do more than just dismantle it altogether.

“It’s unclear how the proposed radical changes to the planning system, including the introduction of ‘zoning’ to identify areas for ‘growth’, ‘renewal’ or ‘protection’, will ensure quality development with community participation at its heart.” Helen Marshall, Director of CPRE Oxfordshire.

CPRE Oxfordshire will be studying the proposed planning reforms closely and responding further in due course. In the meantime read more, including the white paper ‘Planning for the Future’ on gov.uk here. Consultation closes on 29th October 2020, individuals are invited to respond, submit your thoughts here