Opening the Gates!

28th May 2024
Celebratory walk, 14th May
On 14th May, we invited a small group of people on a 3 mile celebratory walk around Nuneham Courtenay/Marsh Baldon, to mark the completion of the current stage of our Oxford Green Belt Way improvement project.
CPRE Oxfordshire has been co-ordinating a major improvement project, increasing accessibility on the Oxford Green Belt Way by replacing nine stiles with accessible, self-closing gates at sites in Toot Baldon, Nuneham Courtenay, Cumnor and Wytham. The project was implemented by Oxfordshire County Council’s Countryside Access Team, made possible through a grant from the Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment (TOE) with funding from Grundon.

It was a great day out, all attendees opting for the full 2 hour walk (rather than just coming along for the photoshoot) and ending up at the Seven Stars pub for a sandwich lunch.