Joint South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse Local Plan 2041 – Consultation Review

14th March 2023
CPRE South Oxfordshire and Vale of the White Horse responded to this consultation in June 2022. A review of the consultation has now been published and is available to download.
We are encouraged that the majority of the issues we raised in the consultation appear in the report and and we trust they will be actioned as policies at the next stage.
Encouragingly “protecting our countryside” was the top priority for those responding.
We support the priorities identified for renewable energy, including the backing of our call for a Countywide renewable strategy , which we hope will be progressed. Read more here.
Areas which the consultation acknowledged it failed to address and will be considered at the next stage are:
The approach to Green Belt;
The scale of future housing development.
We hope the concerns we have raised in relation to these areas will be addressed.
Our full analysis of the Review can be downloaded below.