Have your say on the Botley West Solar Farm

13th January 2025
Now that the application for the Botley West Solar Farm, has been accepted for examination by the Planning Inspectorate (PINS), members of the public can register to have your say. By registering, you will be recognised as an ‘interested party’.
Anyone can register: individuals, groups, organisations and businesses from the local area or anywhere in the UK and we would encourage you to do so. The deadline for registering is 27th February.
For further advice on how to register, take a look at the Government’s Advice Page.
If you felt that you weren’t heard by the developers during their consultations, this is an opportunity to tell the Inspectorate what you think. But they will only listen to interested parties, so please do make sure you register before the deadline.
The Stop Botley West (SBW) campaign group is running three Community Information Events throughout February so try to get down to one of these to find out more.
- Sat 1 February 1-3pm Cumnor Village Hall, Leys Road, OX2 9QF
- Sat 8 February 12.30-2.30 Cassington Village Hall, The Green, OX29 4DN
- Sat 22 February 2-4pm Hanborough Pavilion, Roosevelt Rd, OX29 8JG
The SBW website is a good resource to find out more about the proposals and how to respond to them.
While we support the transition to renewable energy, we must make sure that this doesn’t come at the expense of irreplaceable wildlife habitat and our rural communities.