CPRE says Vale’s Local Plan is ‘unsound’

18th December 2014
CPRE has today responded to the consultation on the Vale’s Local Plan, saying the Plan is ‘unsound’.
The consultation on the Vale District Council’s draft Local Plan closes today (Friday 19 December) at 4.30pm.
In CPRE’s response (see below) we call on the Council to prepare a new Stragetic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) that avoids the errors of the current SHMA, by producing credible rather than extreme figures.
We also urge the Council to remove from the Plan all site allocations in the Green Belt and the North Wessex Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).
CPRE also calls on the Council to demonstrate that the committed and funded infrastructure can operate appropriately, so that there are not significant sections of infrastructure operating at or above operational capacity in the district.
Finally, we question the Vale’s Sustainability Assessment (SA) and call on the Council to carry out a revised SA.
The Examination in Public on the Vale’s Plan is expected to be held in the spring of next year.