Ask your MP to back The Sunshine Bill

13th January 2025
Friday 17th January sees the second reading of the Sunshine Bill, offering the first chance for the bill to be debated in parliament. The Private Members Bill, proposed by LibDem MP, Max Wilkinson, would make it compulsory for new builds to incorporate solar panels on the roof. This is a critical opportunity to progress the rooftop revolution, putting the onus on developers rather than residents, helping to address the climate crisis, whilst also reducing household bills at a time when the cost-of-living is so high.
We need your help to give it every chance of being passed. Please consider emailing your MP to ask them to support this crucial bill.
CPRE have created an ‘Email to MP’ action, which will send a pre-written email to the relevant local MP – you can send it as it is, or you can edit it yourself – the more personal, the better.
Find out more about the bill on CPRE’s website.
The timing is crucial so please take action now!