Abingdon Reservoir: It’s back and it’s bigger. Please act now!

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28th September 2023

Thames Water has announced that not only will it continue with its proposals for the Abingdon Reservoir but that it intends to revert to its earlier plans for a 150 billion litre reservoir.

That’s 50% larger than the proposal Thames Water consulted on earlier this year, which received overwhelming criticism from the public, MPs and Oxfordshire’s local authorities.

It’s also 50% larger than the reservoir rejected at Public Inquiry in 2010.

Thames Water has ruled out entirely the proposed Severn Thames Transfer, which CPRE believes should be explored first as a more adaptive and less environmentally destructive option.

Would you trust this company to make the right decision on infrastructure?

Thames Water’s appalling record of managing sewage pollution and destroying the health of our rivers is well-known and recent public reports have questioned the financial stability of the company.

No wonder they are tempted by a reservoir option which would add a massive bonus to their balance sheet, irrespective of whether this is the right decision for sustainable long-term water supply and dissmissing the impact on Oxfordshire’s countryside and local residents.


We understand the final decision now rests with the Secretary of State for the Environment, the Rt Hon Therese Coffey MP. You can contact her at DEFRA via defra.helpline@defra.gov.uk

And please include your local MP:

layla.moran.mp@parliament.uk (Abingdon)

david.johnston.mp@parliament.uk (Wantage)

or see www.writetothem.com

For further information, please visit the GARD campaign website.

Thames Water’s finances aren’t a good enough reason to trash our environment – whether that’s sewage or a mega-reservoir. Please speak up now!