The Oxfordshire Way

A walk across Oxfordshire from the Cotswolds to the Chilterns. The route runs from Bourton-on-the Water to Henley-on-Thames.
This new guide to the Oxfordshire Way represents a homecoming for the Way, as the original guide written by the late Alison Kemp was also published by Oxfordshire CPRE in 1978. In the 1990’s Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) ‘adopted’ the Way, and provided special signposts, waymarks and published their own guide. With recent funding cuts, Oxfordshire CPRE with the assistance of the Oxford Fieldpaths Society have published a revised edition.
The new guide also includes 12 circular walks along parts of the route, ranging in length from 4.1 to 9.9 miles. The text and each circular walk gives details of nearby places of interest and is accompanied by special maps.
This edition has been sponsored by CPRE Oxfordshire with support from the Oxford Fieldpaths Society.
Copies are available direct from CPRE Oxfordshire and from selected bookshops, stationers and information centres in Oxfordshire and surrounding counties. It is also available on-line from Walking Pages, Walking-Books and Blackwell’s.
- ISBN 9780955772337
- Rucksack-friendly
- A5 Paperback, 144pp
- Illustrated with 29 maps
- RRP: £10.00
To obtain a copy from CPRE Oxfordshire, please send a cheque for £12.00 (which includes £2 post & packaging) made payable to CPRE Oxfordshire. Please remember to include the name & address of the person to whom the book should be mailed.
The Oxfordshire Way Guide
CPRE Oxfordshire
OX49 5PY
For further info:
T: 01491 612079